What comes to mind for you when you think about sacred pleasure?
For us, it’s the deepest and most surrendered connection to ourselves first – leading to earth shattering ripples throughout our bodies. And as if that wasn’t divine enough, we take it a step further by loving ourselves to the point of cosmic level, cracking the universe wide open, seeing God type of pleasure.
We do this through providing you with regular practices that develop safety in your body, and this will lead to a deep self-love which is crucial to our existence. These sessions are individual and personalised. They are designed to suit you, where you are in life with regards to self-love and pleasure and align you with your highest vision for yourself.
A few of these sessions are powerful enough to transform you and awaken your true sensual and sexual power - provided you do the work. We will guide you through the darkest and deepest parts of yourself, constantly ground you with safety and compassion and celebrate with you through ALL your milestones; all whilst working towards the magic of your own sacred pleasure.
Join other goddesses-in-the-making in our online healing circles and connect with other women who share a common interest in feminine empowerment. In this safe and sacred space, we invite you to be your most authentic self – be wild, creative, colourful, sensual, sexual, vulnerable – the most potent part of you that feels free in the moment.
Each circle has a theme, and you are encouraged to connect to this as best you can – wear something relatable, share something you’ve done creatively, etc – as long as it represents you. We are able to take a break from the mind-driven world and tap into practices that allow us to drop into our body and connect deeply with our intuition – and this is where the feminine magic is found.
Nothing is more powerful than a community of women embracing their true feminine power.
Breathwork has literally transformed millions of lives – and its as simple as using your own body’s oxygen to shift energy around and safely release years, sometimes even generations of stored trauma that has unfortunately manifested it’s way into your body.
Many of us carry so much trauma in our bodies in various forms; emotional, sexual, physical, psychological, spiritual, etc. When we drop into our bodies through conscious breathwork, we regulate our nervous system, signalling safety in ourselves. This allows for the “stored traumatic energy” to move, shift and sometimes be released. And this can happen in various ways, through crying, screaming, flushes of feeling hot or cold, tingling sensations, even orgasms – its literally energy that finally feels safe enough to be released.
These sessions can be quite intensive, and we advise that you are well supported throughout. This can be in the form of making sure you aren’t alone whilst doing this practice or if you are safe to be doing this on your own, to ensure that you have a familiar object to hold onto (such as a pillow or cushion) to ground yourself safely back to mother earth.
This therapy session is different to the traditional "talk therapy" provided in counselling sessions. Our body stores so much of the trauma of our entire life and it only makes sense that we start here, with a journey into the body itself. Here we provide a safe space of combined therapy, embodiment & talk, and integration of these into your everyday life.
The divine feminine essence naturally flows with grace and ease. She is filled with joy, abundance, creativity and in alignment to the natural energy of mother earth. It is through deep embodiment that we are able to achieve this flow and manifest the life we want.
Here I’ll take you through a few practices (dance, movement, visualization, voice work and grounding exercises) that allow you to drop from your mind and into your body, where your sacred wisdom is stored.
As a society, we are fairly disconnected from the sensations of our own bodies and the wisdom they carry as well. These practices allow us to feel safe in our bodies again simply by deepening our connection to our senses. By using these daily practices consistently, we ignite our intuition and easily listen to the stories that our bodies are telling us.
Over time, the goddess within you will rise and step into the world with confidence and sacred love.
**We understand that sometimes the traditional approach isn't always the "best fit" for everyone and therefore we are happy to discuss a combination of the above packages to suit your needs. Simply fill in our Contact page and indicate your interest in our combo packages.**
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